What does a TMJ Dentist do? A TMJ Dentist will assess the symptoms experienced to diagnose and confirm TMJ issues. Once a diagnosis has been confirmed, a TMJ Dentist will recommend non-invasive treatments to help ease the stress on the joint and begin the healing process, which can take some time. If tests have concluded that pain is stemming from a bite problem, a TMJ dentist will recommend a therapy such as dental splint therapy that will prevent bruxism (teeth clenching) or push the jaw forward, preventing stress on the joint – allowing the jaw to relax and begin the healing process.
TMJ Pain Relief – Facial Massage, Nerve Stimulation, Teeth Leveling, Bite Guard or Surgery
Some TMJ Specialists may recommend cosmetic procedures to level off teeth to improve the natural bite. Depending on the severity of TMJ, some TMJ Dentists may provide a night/bite guard, physically manipulate the jaw muscles with massage therapy techniques, perform nerve stimulation procedures, perform injections, surgery or a combination of all the above.
TMJ Dentist Training – Neuromuscular, Orofacial, Maxillofacial, Orthodontic and Facial Reconstruction Dentistry
A TMJ Dentist specializes in how the TMJ joint works and has received specific training, which typically involves general and neuromuscular dentistry, orofacial and maxillofacial pain treatment, orthodontics and restoration techniques. It is important for a TMJ Dentist to listen closely to patients and what symptoms they are experiencing successfully perform diagnostic tests and confirm TMD.
What is TMD and What is TMJ?
TMD is a Temporomandibular Disorder, and TMJ refers to the joint itself. TMD is a combination of conditions that affects the surrounding tissues of the jaw. Patients who are diagnosed with TMD, experience uncomfortable pain and in many cases this affects the mobility of the jaw. When patients have TMJ issues, not only is their jaw affected, but also surrounding muscles, nerves and bones. This can be a very painful experience for many patients.
What Does a TMJ Dentist Do? Contact Us for More Information About Our Dentist in Langley
We hope that we have answered your question, What does a TMJ Dentist do? If you would like more information or are experiencing TMJ pain, contact us. We are happy to go over TMJ symptoms in detail with you or schedule an appointment with our TMJ Dentist in Langley. You can also call us at 604-539-9374. We look forward to answering your questions and leading you to good oral health.